
Weekly Geeks #1 - Words.

That word we never use.

You'll find Weekly Geeks here. Each week, the blog posts a different theme, and bloggers (or not) can participate in them! So, here's my first one. May as well try everything, right?

The challenge for this week is:

"1 - I would like to make you all parents and send you over to Save The Word.org to look at all the words that are either not being used enough or are due for a cull probably within the next couple of years. Adopt a word.
2 – What is your pet peeve word? – the word that makes you grind your teeth with either it’s over use or being used out of context.
3 – What is a word you adore, or a word that you feel is not used enough. Irrespective of meaning or even era it’s a word that you just love
4 - Lastly what is your opinon on word culling or the rise in "text speak" that's happening now.. "

So. First, I headed to Save The Word.org to, you know, save some words. Which is a fantastic idea, I thought. The site is great and totally hilarious (read the spread-the-word suggestions. Or even the adopt-a-word introduction: What have future generations done for you lately? Well, not much. Gosh that made me laugh.) There, I adopted my perfect word: speustic. An adjective that means "Made, done, or (especially) cooked hastily". How very me! So, now I've adopted him, I can rest assured that he will not be culled from the English language. Hypothetically.

The second part is a bit harder. Pet peeve word? Well, there are several swears that I don't ever like to hear, but let's not go there. What word do I hate seeing used out of context? I must say, I particularly hate when people mix up their homophones. They're; there; their. You're; your. (That one in particular!) Its; it's. To; too. Seriously. Gahhhh I'm getting frustrated  just thinking about it.

Now, what word do I adore? I find that not enough people use the word 'inconspicuous'. I love how it sounds. But I'm also partial to the word 'chug'. It's fun to say.

Finally, what do I think about word culling and text speak? Now, I don't particularly agree with word culling. Who says what words are used often enough to stay 'in vogue'? I understand why it needs to be done: if it wasn't, we would have 7000 page dictionaries that are mostly irrelevant. But that being said, they could easily cull words that ARE still relevant - how many times have you searched through a dictionary, only to discover that the word you're looking for isn't there? Text speak frustrates me to no end. I occasionally say 'lol' or 'ftw' (but that last is a joke between friends). Bt 2 speek lyke dis al da tyme iz jst anoyin 2 reed & jst promtes bad grama skillz. Not to mention, it is practically flippin' illegible! Shakespeare would roll over in his grave if he ever received a text message from the average fourteen year old of today. So why are things like the Urban Dictionary promoting 'new fangled' ways of speaking, while decent, intelligent words such as speustic are being ignored, shunted and forgotten?

What are your thoughts? Feel free to share them, and why not do your own Weekly Geeks meme?

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