Why hello! If you've found my blog, it shows that you have great detective skills. If you read my blog, it shows you care about reading. If you're actually reading this 'About Me' section, it shows you actually care! Awww! How sweet!
Ok, jokes aside, this is supposed to be a very informative section to give a bit of insight into me and why I'm doing what I'm doing. So I digress.
My name is Taylor, and I am an 18 year old girl who (very) recently moved to the great city of Mellbourne for university. I'm undertaking my first year of a Psych degree, and hopefully by the end, I will come out a psychologist. Hopefully.
I was talking to someone I met at university, and he was talking about this 'blogging' thing he did, where he reviewed books. Now naturally, I know that people do this widely on the internet, but I never actually considered doing it myself. He opened up my eyes to the wicked wideness of the web, and got me thinking that, maybe, just maybe, this is the thing for me. You see, I did try blogging a (very) long time ago, and kinda forgot about my blog. (Note: blogging FAILURE). But now I have to do an assessable blog for my Media studies course, I figured I could definitely use the practice.
Now, about the actual reading. You must understand, I absolutely, undoubtably, darn tootin' love to read. Love it. I've been reading avidly since I was a little girl. There's actually a video of me aged one, reading a book which mainly consisted of the "One, two, buckle my shoe!" rhyme. Gawsh, I was adorable. Annywhoo, I can't remember the first actual book I read, but I will always remember reading Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone for the first time, age about six or seven, and never looking back. From there, I read the average young girl's amount of pre-tweenie fiction (Babysitter's Club, anyone?). I honestly don't know how many books I've read in my whole life, but it wouldn't be less than several hundred. Not gloating at all, I just read a LOT. When I was 11, my school librarian handed me Marchetta's Looking For Alibrandi. She warned me of the more adult themes, and said if it was too heavy, stop reading and come back to it in a few years. I absolutely devoured it. Since then, Marchetta is one of my favourite authors in the whole wide world (no doubt there will be reviews in which I'll mention this some more!) At about the age of 13 I was introduced to Dean Koontz (the first book I ever read of his was Velocity. If you have a strong stomach, I SO recommend it.) My interest in Stephen King sparked at around the same time, but I've never really read as much of him as I have of Koontz. Just something about the way Koontz writes. Lately, I've been reading a lot of young adult fiction (sifting through the bad vampire novels that continue to crop up everywhere), but I'm looking for a more diverse range of genres. Widen my knowledge, and yada yada.
Also, I write. Like, stories. I don't finish them so much as start them, forget about it, come back to it in six months time, write some more, and the whole process happens over again. Frustrating stuff, really, but I do love it. Writing about everything and nothing and people. In fact, I just love words. So much that I did three classes worth of English during year 11 and 12 (even though only one is compulsory). Call me crazy, but hey. This IS a reader's blog, am I right?!
My other interests include drawing, photography, acting, listening to music (as I am devoid of any actual musical talent), watching Ray William Johnson regularly on Youtube, watching True Blood regularly on DVD (although, interestingly enough, I haven't read the books. I watched the show first, so I'm not sure that I want to. Recommend them? Feel free to let me know) and naturally, going to university. And now, my latest endeavour: blogging!